

This feature is in beta. Please email us at to gain access.

We provide APIs to our state-of-the-art event extraction models[1]. The extracted events are automatically connected to your analytics dashboard[2].

Enable your API

Navigate to the Events tab in the Weavel dashboard. Select the event for which you want to enable the API. Once you switch on Enable API, a unique endpoint ID will be generated for you to use in the API request.

We currently provide APIs for the following events: Sentiment and Summary[3].

Please let us know if you would like more event extraction APIs added!

Using the API

To use the API, send a POST request to the provided enpoint. Visit the respective documentation for more details.

API Logs and Usage

You can view the logs and usage for an event API opening the Dev Tools drawer in event details.

The overview will show you

  • Your API keys
  • If setup is complete
  • Number of requests (in a time-series graph)

The logs will show you

  • Status
  • Request body
  • Response body

for each request made to the API.


  1. Custom models with 5~10% higher accuracy than GPT-4

  2. You need to keep the event enabled for this to work

  3. In the summary API, you can specify which part of the trace you want to summarize. When the summary event is enabled, a summary will be generated for every trace. Since input is different, summaries shown in the dashboard will won't match the API response.